Wish you had a presence online?
Well, I’m here to help you.
My name is Ginny. Website Builder + Tech Troubleshooter + WordPress Professional + Chief Supporter of Working Moms (CSWM) at your service.
I give women the skills to have their own internet presence.
Let me tell you my story.
Eleven years ago, I was supporting my husband (who was in grad school) and had an 8-5 job that barely paid rent. I carried a few additional jobs just to put food on the table. In an attempt to be frugal we bought a car that needed full repairs. And in a desperate move, I learned how to create websites for clients in order to pay for car parts. Thus began my first LLC.
Since then, I have designed custom websites on WordPress and Blogger for clients. I have sold semi-custom themes on Etsy and in my standalone store, and I offered one-off website fixes for innumerable clients. My favorite thing in the world is taking a dream and turning it into HTML.
I grew up believing that my greatest skills were at home, keeping house and creating a home for my kids. They are – but I am made for so much more than that. I have skills and gifts that I feel compelled to use to help other women.
One day was battling whether I should keep pursuing a career, or start counting down the days to “retire” and be a stay at home mom. My lawyer-judge-boss-mom-friend-of-5 asked me if I loved my job. I said, “Yes! I would do it for free!” And she immediately said, “That’s not a job – that’s a calling. PURSUE IT.”
That changed me.
If you would have told my younger self that I’d be helping women build their internet presence as a successful business woman, that girl would be amazed. Looking back, I would like to tell her the same thing I want every woman to know:
Figure out what makes YOU strong and confident. Don’t rely on someone else’s interpretation of your life. Lean into your dreams and strengths NOW. Don’t let the world stop you.

want to get to know me better?
let’s do two truths and a lie…
I got schooled in football and the SEC by a former NFL football player.
At a former job, my two bosses got busted by the FBI for insider trading with the Russians.
One time I broke a client’s site at midnight and had to wake up my boss to fix it.
My ideal day? Well it’s pretty boring…

On any given Saturday, you can find my family and me making my favorite meal – piles of pancakes and bottomless coffee.
We grab our sack lunches and find a new town in Colorado to explore and discover. My ideal day.
On the dream day that my husband takes the kids to adventure without me (bless!), you will find me rambling slowly through Goodwill, followed by the 12-3-30 on a treadmill at the gym.
Then, I’d take a long shower and not be interrupted by little feet. I’d spend dinner at Postino’s with a glass of Pinot and a good book. Just me, a good book, and that unending Bruschetta Board.
Wondering if The Motherboard Mentor is right for you?
Well, this content is for you if are:
- A woman that needs a voice
- A budding entrepreneur
- Someone who likes to try new things
- A go-getter that wants to do it all yourself
- Wanting to be marketable, found, and employed.
What else?
Hang around here long enough, and you’ll find that I’m pretty non-existent on social media. It’s just not my thing. Looking for my thing? It’s email. Good ol’ fashioned email. Take the quiz below to sign up for emails, and receive custom content just for you.
(Oh…I have another site! If you are a work-at-home mom, come say hi on my other site at Modern Work at Home Mom. It’s my baby.)
Say hi!
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