7 Types of Websites and How to Decide the Best and Easiest Website Builder for You
Let’s get started. Before you even choose a website or business name and logo, you have to know what kind of website you need and the best and easiest website builder for you. Are you looking to sell products or services? Do you want a one-page website template? Let’s dig in and find what is best for you.
Setting up the Free Cloudflare Plan for your WordPress Site
Do you need caching for your site? Do you need a Free Cloudflare Plan for your WordPress site? What is caching? I’ll give you a simple free solution for sites using Cloudflare’s free caching plan.
Setting up the cloudflare Free Plan For your WordPress Site (Bigscoots Managed Hosting)
Do you need caching for your site? Do you need to add the Cloudflare free plan to your site? What is caching? I’ll answer all of these questions here, and give you a simple free solution for sites using Bigscoot’s Managed hosting.
WordPress org vs com: Which one do you need?
Are you just now realizing there are TWO WordPress platforms? WordPress.org and WordPress.com? Now you are wondering what the difference is. Well you have come to the right place. I want to simply show you the difference between WordPress org vs com, and help you decide the right one for your site.